The Ritual is finished, the Gate is open. You read in the priest's book about a machine that collapses the walls between dimensions. Before you lay crystals strewn about the floor, a strange machine, and the swirling vortex into the abyss. Insert crystals into the machine to match the dimensional frequency of the Gate. It might just close it.

The gate has closed, and though small monstrosities from the abyss have escaped, the Elder God that was summoned now can no longer gain access to our realm of existence. The children, though confused, are safe. The cultists are now benign entities, powerless to sway control. Your job is not done, but, the world is safe. Millions of lives unknowingly attribute their existence to your efforts.

Hunt Down Escaped Demons Re-Play Mission
You Failed

Your efforts were useless in the face of such evil. The cultists were successful and have unleashed their benevolent, insane Gods unto your realm. Humanity's darkest hour is at hand.

Start Over Investigation Re-Play Mission

Dimensional Frequency:

Crystal Input:
