Dungeons & Dragons

A project meant to involve pushing and pulling data from Google Firebase. Instead of creating a "Rock Paper Scissors" game, I decided to experiment with more complex sets of data stored in objects. The characters are dynamically created from Firebase based on character stats stored in an array of objects. See the code.

Eldritch Investigators

This is a combination of two early assignments. 1: Hangman, introduction to javascript. 2: Crystals, introduction to Jquery. I linked the games together through a story, and added music cues and integrated VO, to gain initial experience with audio event listeners. See the code.


A project integrating multiple new technologies. 1. Turn.js: Creates an animated book in the DOM and utilizes it's own rules for event Listeners. 2. Swiper.js: Creates the sliding bar of images. 3. Amazon Polly: And API that passes in 'clicked' words and pronounces them outloud. This project was intended to introduce a whole new format in which to publish books for kids! See the code.

Clan Finder

A sort of "Friend-Finder" app that enables a questionaire to establish you character traits within the realm of Dungeon and Dragons. Answer the questions to the best of your ability And be placed within a guild. Once you are in the guild, you will get a real-time list of others who placed in the same guild as you! See the code.

Kid Reads 2.0

Our second iteration of Kid Reads, now with login functionality and a parent side app where parents can buy books and customize their childs info on their User page. Integrating S/CSS and Passport for additional functionality. See the code.